Keep Climbing Mindset Journal
Keep Climbing Mindset Journal
The theme of this journal will reference the need to keep climbing mountains. It’s a metaphor that I use for life and teaching.
Mountains will humble you and lead you into uncomfortable situations that are needed for growth. There is consistent tension between the challenge and the reward. Although the trails are difficult and test us mentally, it is during these experiences that we learn the most valuable life lessons. At the root of climbing mountains is discovering something new about yourself. It’s the tapping into the unexplored places internally and externally that guides us into the curiosity of what is possible. It’s the accomplishment of achieving something difficult.
Below are the daily principles of the Keep Climbing Mindset.
Still- Meditate/Journal/Visualize
Move- Exercise/Walk in nature/Stretch Grow- Read/Listen/Write
Play- Create/Express your authentic self
Reflect-Reassess your day/journal/track progress